3D prints

3D prints how you can use it?

Uses of 3D prints

3D printing is a new innovative technology which finds use in many various business branches. It gives you a lot of new abilities which the engineers and construction experts already utilize in their work. If you wish to know how to use 3D printing, please read on.

Uses of 3D printing

  • Automotive business and machine tools – 3D printing is mostly used to showcase car prototypes, but that’s not all. Volkswagen uses it to make metal tools and car parts, as well as for parts’ prototypes. What is more, in a new car model – One:1 titan exhausts printed using this technology will appear. These two markets benefit from 3D printing, as it allows to decrease the costs of parts and prototypes, reduces the weight of the cars and the amount of waste produced during the manufacturing process. It makes the production more elastic and makes it easier to care for the environment.
  • Architecture and construction – 3D prints can create architectural models and visualizations. In addition, it is ideal for printing home and apartment models, floor plans or multi-element constructions. It is also great for creation of masking materials which are hard and time-consuming to produce using traditional methods.
  • Armaments – 3D printing is extensively used in arms production, warheads and spare parts for guns and war machines (soldiers in the middle east are equipped with printers so they can make their own spare parts instead of waiting for the shipment from the home countries). The materials are also easily modifiable to adapt to the changing climate conditions and substances.
  • Medicine and dentistry – 3D printing was used to create a scaffold that was utilized in treatment of an overgrown bladder. It was also used to design a kidney and other implants, various artificial limbs and bone fragments. It was a great help in creation of face reconstruction bones, dental implants and teeth fillings. It is also useful in surgeries and, in the near future, doctors wish to use it to create artificial human organs and make the whole transplantation process quicker and easier.

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